The best way to fight a winter storm is before it hits. Triple Melt® Liquid applied to sidewalks and traffic areas prior to a storm, prevents the bonding of snow and ice to your concrete. It is this surface bond that dry products must break before their melting efforts are truly effective. Preventing this bond from forming as the snow falls, means less labor is required for snow removal afterwards. Triple Melt® Liquid is also a great product for melting small patches of packed snow or the thin layer of snow left behind by a snow blower. Residual Effect The use of Triple Melt® Liquid also brings a residual effect not found in dry material. Applied ahead of a winter storm, Triple Melt® Liquid can stay effective as an anti-icer for multiple days without the mess of dry material. This becomes a major benefit when the forecasted weather chooses to arrive later than expected. Effective Temperature Triple Melt® Liquid was designed as a de-icer for applications before the storm. Triple Melt® Liquid will be effective down to 10° F. DO NOT USE BELOW THAT TEMPERATURE Application Rate: Approximately 1 gal for every 1000 square feetAnti-Icing/De-Icing
The best way to fight a winter storm is before it hits. Triple Melt® Liquid applied to sidewalks and traffic areas prior to a storm, prevents the bonding of snow and ice to your concrete. It is this surface bond that dry products must break before their melting efforts are truly effective. Preventing this bond from forming as the snow falls, means less labor is required for snow removal afterwards. Triple Melt® Liquid is also a great product for melting small patches of packed snow or the thin layer of snow left behind by a snow blower. Residual Effect The use of Triple Melt® Liquid also brings a residual effect not found in dry material. Applied ahead of a winter storm, Triple Melt® Liquid can stay effective as an anti-icer for multiple days without the mess of dry material. This becomes a major benefit when the forecasted weather chooses to arrive later than expected. Effective Temperature Triple Melt® Liquid was designed as a de-icer for applications before the storm. Triple Melt® Liquid will be effective down to 10° F. DO NOT USE BELOW THAT TEMPERATURE Application Rate: Approximately 1 gal for every 1000 square feetOSSLQ6405TM | 1 EA |