
Aviator is a fast drying, 20% solids floor finish from Hillyard that offers superior gloss, excellent durability and excellent water resistance. Drying in 15 minutes per coat (75% humidity, 60° F), Aviator dries in half the time of most traditional floor finishes. It's ideal for facilities that require quick turn-around or that operate 24/7. And, it's ideal for any facility manager who's interested in doing more by saving time on re-finishing floors.

  • Fast-drying, 15 minutes per coat (75% humidity, 60° F).

  • Excellent durability and water resistance.

  • Superior gloss.





Product Description

Aviator is a fast drying, 20% solids floor finish from Hillyard that offers superior gloss, excellent durability and excellent water resistance. Drying in 15 minutes per coat (75% humidity, 60° F), Aviator dries in half the time of most traditional floor finishes. It's ideal for facilities that require quick turn-around or that operate 24/7. And, it's ideal for any facility manager who's interested in doing more by saving time on re-finishing floors.

  • Fast-drying, 15 minutes per coat (75% humidity, 60° F).

  • Excellent durability and water resistance.

  • Superior gloss.


Appearance Milky Emulsion
Dilution Rate RTU
Color Milky White
Flammability 0
Health 1
Reactivity 0
Scent Non-Objectionable
Non Volatile Matter 20.00%
pH @ 25 deg. C 8.00 - 9.00